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    AI 無所不在,顛覆即將到來。

    AI 引領創新前沿,軟硬體技術的整合擴增、新商業應用場域的百花齊放,嶄新的生態系將應運而生。如同神經元般靈活生成,想像力與創新科技的匯流碰撞,將重新定義新商業的可能。

    《數位時代》與 AI TAIWAN 攜手策展,以「 AI DRIVING NEW BUSINESS 」為主題,大步快跑,跨越界線,與 FUTURE COMMERCE 2024 AI TAIWAN 一同見證 AI 新商業的迸發!

    AI 驅動全新商業可能,
    新科技加速 SaaS 創新革命,一同挖掘新商機促成



    • 20代| 正在探尋自己的未來可能
    • 30代| 見證過去十年未來商務板塊震盪
    • 40代| 25年來參與許多新商業促成
    • 10年來陪伴未來商務展成長| 所有產業前哨者



      Ten Exhibition Areas assemble Critical Solutions.

      Covering the latest key technologies in both software and hardware, the ten exhibition zones will present the latest solutions. Over the course of three days, these zones will assist you to obtain comprehensive and innovative business solutions.

      Four Content Zones x Knowledge Breakdown.

      We have planned four content exhibition zones: AI, Web3, Solution Guide, and Voice Economy. These zones will break down the key knowledge and analyze the future trends, allowing attendees to understand the uncountable possibilities through interactive experiences.

      Six Themes of New Business Applications.

      We present six major themed exhibition areas that showcase the hottest innovations in collaboration with key curatorial partners. The themes include AI, Web3, ESG, Future Marketing, Future Learning, and Future Retail. Through these immersive experiences, we aim to create a more engaging exhibition experience that allows you to dive into the world of new business trends.


      Forum x Prominent Speakers.

      These three-day, four-session forum will focu on four major industries, exploring international trends and practical applications that will shape the future development of these four industries.

      Specialized Topic x Industry Application.

      The three-day, four-session trend forum will focus on the four major future industries, exploring international trends and practical applications that shape the future of these industries.

      Interactive Discussion x Exhibition Highlights.

      The three-day, four-session trend forum will focus on the four major future industries, exploring international trends and practical applications that shape the future of these industries.

      AI Grand Award x Future Commerce Award.

      The three-day, four-session trend forum will focus on the four major future industries, exploring international trends and practical applications that shape the future of these industries.

    FUTURE COMMERCE 2024 AI TAIWAN 聚焦十大科技關鍵技術。

  • 2024 全領域開展,邀您一起開啟AI新商業的無限可能!